Thursday 6 November 2008

One giant step for America, one quantum leap for Mankind

While I would not presume to state with absolutely certainty where or with whom fellow Americans here in England spent Tuesday night watching our country elect its 44th president, I for one was quietly ensconced in my flat in SE3 following a full day's work and dinner, considering winding down for the day. Suddenly, around 9pm and without any deliberate planning, like a homing pigeon compelled to return to its roost, I strode over to my laptop (I do not own a TV), logged onto CNN Live and spent the remainder of the evening (until 6am Wednesday) virtually glued non-stop to the screen, clicking back and forth between the 3 or 4 live streamings offered by CNN of breaking news in the US national elections as the results slowly trickled in, experts gave opinions and humanity everywhere held its breath; some praying and many (including me) weeping as an unprecedented and irrevocable shift in America's socio-political process gave birth to a brand new paradigm before our very eyes.

Now, I confess I do not know what you or anyone else following the elections on Tuesday night found most compelling; but as I flipped screens and gazed out into the veritable sea of my fellow Americans pouring onto the grounds of Chicago's Grant Park and assembling in ever-increasing numbers for the privilege of standing for hours, shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart, awaiting the triumphant appearance of Barack Obama as their newly elected President; I must admit that I found myself completely unprepared for what my eyes (and heart) were taking in: an inconceivable conclave of American citizens of all ages, creeds, colors and religions, and from diverse cultural, educational and socio-economic backgrounds, packed to the gills and standing upright, side by side with barely enough room to breath -- standing in unanimity with ever mounting anticipation, elation and cheering as, state by state, the results rolled in and it became incontrovertibly clear who the next President of the United States of America was going to be.

But it was when Barack Obama arrived on the scene with his wife and children, shortly after midnight Chicago time, to make his victory speech and to thank his supporters, that something flashed across my screen which I had never before witnessed in a crowd of that magnitude (not even at the Olympics). As I listened and watched, what I observed moving across the countenances of my fellow Americans as they gave their rapt attention to our new President elect, I can only describe as a stunning mix of astonished joy, acceptance, innocent wonderment, gratitude and unconditional love such as one often sees in infants and very young children. I stared, transfixed, as this unified and unifying presence blew through the throng like a standing wave of resonance: many distinct individuals -- yet one emotion, one experience, one moment shared in full consciousness by all. I felt as though I were seeing One Being, composed of and expressing through the many, but with no loss of individuality in the many. And it seemed as though this Being were, in that defining moment, waking up, opening its collective eyes and seeing the light of day for the very first time.

For more information, go to:

Monday 3 November 2008

On the Astrology of Global Transformation

This is my very first blog! A dear new friend whom I only just recently met has encouraged me to open up my thoughts and let them flow out to the larger human family at this critical time of personal and global transition and transformation.

I began my training in the field of astrology in 1970. I have been a practicing astrologer since 1978. Admittedly, my primary expertise and experience lies in drawing up detailed and accurately timed astrological birth charts and forecasts for private individuals around the globe. However, as these are such intensely pivotal times for humanity and our planet; and as I have access to information that I feel might potentially be of comfort, inspiration and support to consciously evolving individuals who are currently looking for an anchor in the storm, a trustworthy (albeit transcendent) platform upon which to stand firmly and confidently in the midst of increasing outer turmoil and uncertainty, I feel called to offer some thoughts about two major astronomical/astrological phenomena that are currently active and underpinning this period of enormous and unprecedented change that we are now facing.

It is indisputable that there is a creative ferment portending an exponential expansion of individual and collective consciousness manifesting planetary-wide that can no longer be averted or denied. From an astrological perspective, these changes might more easily be 'pinned down' (as to specific nature and duration) for discrete individuals via their personal birth charts than it would be for one to 'predict' with certainty how these major planetary cycles will manifest socio-economically and politically over the duration of the entire period of transformation. Be that as it may, I would like to offer some hopefully helpful words about the nature and essence (at least) of two currently active astronomical/astrological factors and how they may in fact be cosmic evolutionary facilitators of humanity's initiation into what might be termed galactic consciousness at the birth of this long-awaited Aquarian Age. NB - We are no doubt currently experiencing the labour pains of this birth.


Firstly (and underpinning the entire process) is the movement of the planet Pluto, the outermost (as far as we know) planet in our solar system, from the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius (where it resided from January 1995 to November 2008) into the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (entering Capricorn on January 25, 2008; then briefly retrograding back into Sagittarius on June 14, 2008 for a final 'cleaning up of the truth'; and finally moving securely into Capricorn on November 27, 2008, shortly after the American Presidential Election on November 4). Pluto will complete its transit of Capricorn between March 2023 and November 2024, when it moves into the sign of Aquarius where it will remain for approximately 20 years.

It is important to note that Pluto is considered by astrologers to be a 'generational' planet governing cycles of birth, death and transformation and takes about 248 years to make a complete cycle, spending 12 to 32 years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Pluto in a zodiacal sign applies to a generation as a whole, as well as making 'personal' aspects in individuals' birth charts. NB - For a more individualised interpretation of the influence of transiting Pluto, the house position and aspects of Pluto to natal and progressed planets in an individual person's birth chart would need to be assessed.

For the moment, it is safe to say that Pluto in Capricorn heralds a time of major upheaval and subsequent transformation in local, national and world government and other stable structures with which we have all identified with but which now have outlived their evolutionary purpose. During this period, it is likely that old, obsolete and outworn social, political and economic structures and systems will break down and either disappear; be reconstructed along more enlightened lines; or they will be replaced entirely with new forms which more appropriately and humanely address individual, collective and planetary evolutionary needs. This periodic and cyclical 'clearing/transforming' influence comprises the combined energies of Pluto and Saturn (embodied, for example, in the Hindu god Shiva, destroyer of antiquated and obsolete forms).

We have already begun to see the effects of this inexorable (and non-ego-centred) wave of transformation in recent months. Whatever the result of the current US Presidential Election, we can be sure that, with Pluto firmly entering Capricorn on November 27, 2008, there are challenging times ahead. If we can understand that Pluto never destroys something of true functional or spiritual value (it also rules 'recycling'), but rather seeks to transform individual and collective consciousness and their manifestations into higher, more evolved forms and expressions (a 'Phoenix rising from the ashes' phenomenon), then we are perhaps on the right track in beginning to sense and see the 'benign' purpose behind any such 'destructions'. Perhaps it is best to leave the discussion here for the moment; as these are very early days in Pluto's current transit through Capricorn and much remains to be revealed.


Secondly and (amazingly to those of us who are astrologers) concurrent with the official advent of Pluto into Capricorn later this month (and all that this will bring to the party), we have recently begun to experience the clearly 'destabilising' influence of a shorter but no less critically important astronomical/astrological cycle, that of the opposition of transiting Saturn and Uranus which commenced on October 27, 2008 and which completes on August 4, 2010. This cycle occurs approximately every 45 years; the most recent cycles were 1918-1920 and 1965-1967. [For a cogent and readable discussion of the nature of this planetary cycle and its effects on human evolution and experience, please see Ralfee Finn's wonderful column entitled 'Weekly Frequency' at The Aquarium Age site starting at September 24, 2008 (].

Basically, Saturn rules stable structures of personal and social identity from the past; Uranus rules the forces of major personal and social change which are often sudden, unpredictable and upsetting as they occur, but which act to free us up from any structures, beliefs, behaviours, systems etc that have become stale, stagnant, outmoded or limiting to our growth. Saturn represents our sense of continuity with our personal and collective history and with our identity formations derived from family, educational and cultural programming and past experiences - in short, whatever defines us as 'separate' discrete individuals, societies or even nations. Uranus is the first of the three 'transpersonal and transformational' planets (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) which collectively represent the gateway to the galactic beyond our Solar System. Indeed, Uranus is traditionally held to be the ruler of Aquarius, the astronomical 'Age' we are currently in the process of entering, as we complete the previous roughly 2100-year cycle of the Piscean Age, which is ending now and over the next few years. NB - Nobody knows for sure exactly when we will be fully over the cusp of these two astronomical/astrological Ages; however the year 2012 is purported to be of particular significance in this context.

It is uncanny but arguably no accident that the first exact opposition in this 5-phase Saturn-Uranus 'global restructuring' process for all humanity occurs on November 4, 2008. (It entered its 1-degree orb on October 27, 2008 and leaves November 14, 2008.) This stunning synchronicity is doubtless more poignant than anyone even knows at this time: however, it is already clear that the stage for dramatic personal and political, social and economic change has been firmly set; that unprecedented global and personal changes are underway and likely to augment; and that all is proceeding towards an as yet undetermined destination. There are 4 further periods of Saturn-Uranus restructuring yet to come, the 5th and final one occurring between July 15, 2010 and August 4, 2010 with a peak on or around July 26, 2010.

It is deeply resonant and perhaps not surprising that this current Saturn-Uranus opposition occurs (in all of the contacts save the final one) in the opposing signs of Virgo-Pisces, the zodiacal signs which are the astrological and astronomical underpinnings of the Age we are now in the process of leaving as we move into the Age of Aquarius-Leo. The 5th and final opposition of transiting Saturn and Uranus (between July 15, 2010 and August 4, 2010) will occur in the very first degree of the Libra-Aries axis; which could suggest, by the conclusion of this current phase of transition, the successful emergence of a new form of global society comprising of a new kind of global citizen.

Personally, I have no doubt that we are ALL HERE on the planet at this critical time in our evolution to experience and participate in this unprecedented shift in human and planetary consciousness, however it turns out. And, I deeply and firmly believe that EACH ONE of us has our own unique part to play in how it does turn out. Herein lies the crux of my true feelings as to what this current Saturn-Uranus cycle is all about; and why it is happening concurrent with the opening phase of this 17-year Pluto in Capricorn transition period.

However, as this blog is already far longer than originally intended (and I was afraid I had nothing to say!), I would for now just like to mention that I feel strongly that this synchronicity of Pluto in Capricorn with the Saturn-Uranus opposition may have to do with the potential birthing of individual sovereignty (dare I say, en masse) on this planet. It is tantamount to an initiation, a calling, a pathway into a more expanded personal and more enlightened global consciousness and order. In essence and in fact, we are being challenged to 'come of age' and get the cosmic vote!

My sincere thanks to all who have had the patience and interest to read this blog. I will come online again soon to share a few more thoughts I have about this concept of sovereignty as initiated and overseen by the current Saturn-Uranus opposition and as it relates to the evolutionary process we are all undergoing in this transition from Pisces to Aquarius. I will also address how the nature and effects of the above two planetary influences may be more specifically identified and mapped in individual birth charts (and lives) as they continue to impact people's personal evolutionary process.

With love and blessings to all my brothers and sisters as we journey together into Aquarius,

Rania James

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